What can she do to avoid marrying the greedy landlord?

The rich landlord wants to marry the beautiful farmer's daughter

Riddle : What can she do to avoid marrying the greedy landlord?

The rich landlord wants to marry the beautiful farmer’s daughter. He tells the daughter that if she doesn’t marry him, he will evict her father from the farm and they will be homeless. She begs for mercy. Slyly, the landlord agrees to allow her one chance to stay. He pulls a bag from his pocket, and reaches down and picks up 2 stones from the rocky path then places them in the bag. Reach into the bag and pull out one stone. If you pull out the black stone you will agree to marry me. If you pull out the white stone you and your father can live here rent free. The problem is that she knows that he picked up two black stones and no matter which one she selects she will be forced to marry him.

What can she do to avoid marrying the greedy landlord?

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Answer of this riddle is given below

They are standing on a rocky path. She reaches into the bag, pulls out one of the black stones and then pretending to be clumsy drops it onto the rocky path. Oh my, she exclaims…. I dropped it, but whichever color stone is still in the bag will tell us which color stone I dropped!

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