8 Mind blowing riddles you dont want to miss….

Visiting this page is the best decision you have made today. You will believe in me after going through these 8 mind blowing riddles. Just to keep you excited all these riddles are available one after another on different pages so don’t miss to navigate sequentially..

Without wasting any more time, here comes your first riddle

What is the word?

Which five letter word becomes shorter
when you add two letters to it.

What is the word?

Answer is available on the next page.

Answer of the riddle What is the word is : SHORT

Yes, if you add ER to SHORT it will become SHORTER. Easy right?
It does seem easy once you have the answer 🙂

Okay, to read the next riddle please move on the next page. You will get another mind blowing riddle. Hope you would be able to guess right this time.

What allows people to see through the walls?

This ancient invention allows
people to see through walls.

What is that?

Answer is available on the next page.

“Window” allows people to see through the walls.

Yes, that is window that allows people to see through walls and undoubtedly this is one of the ancient invention.

No problem if you dint get this either there are more 5 mind blowing riddles left for you to solve today. To get next puzzle move on the next page.

Many have heard me, what am I?

Many have heard me,
but no one has seen me,
and I will not speak back
until spoken to.

What am I?

Answer is available on the next page.

Answer of this riddle is : Eco

Yes, its eco that you hear again and again without seeing it.
This was little difficult I can understand but you should have got it.

Never the less, there are many more riddles left for you to attempt.
to get another riddle, jump on the next page.

What was the largest island?

What was the largest island
in the world before Australia
was discovered?

Answer is available on the next page.

It was Australia only

Believe me, it was Australia only the largest island. It was not discovered I agree but it existed there, right?

Not convinced, no problem you will get convincing answers for other riddles.
to read next riddle, move on the next page.

I stay in the corner

I stay in the corner but travel
around the world.

What am I?

Answer is available on the next page.

It’s “STAMP” that stays in the corner

Its the postal stamp you put in the corner and travels around the world.

Hope you would have got this one correctly. To read the next riddle click on the next page.

I am the first on the earth

I am the first on the earth,
second in the heaven.

I appear twice in a week,
though you can only see me
once in a year.

What am I?

Answer is available on the next page.

Answer : Its letter “E”

It is the letter “E” first first on the earth, second in the heaven.
Appear twice in a week, see once in a year.

Seems you are getting them correctly now. I told you right visiting this page is the best decision you have made today.

Now move on the next page to get to get another riddle.

What is that country?

What is the fastest country
in the world?

Answer is available on the next page.

It is Russia 🙂

I am sure you dont need any further explanation for this riddle.

To get the last riddle of this series move on the next page.

What am I?

Alone I am 24th,
with a friend I am 20.

Another friend and I am unclean.

What am I?

Answer is available on the next page.

Answer is : X

In the English alphabet X is in 24th position. If you add one more X it will become XX which is 20 in the roman. If you add one more X it will become XXX, which is unclean.

Hope you have enjoyed this series of 8 mind blowing riddles. Here are they again for you to revise and share with friends.

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