Boss, Employee Funny Corporate Joke

Boss, Employee Funny Corporate Joke

My boss took a job applicant to lunch # funny

My boss and I took a job applicant to lunch, where we tried, with little success, to get him to open up about his experience and qualifications. Frustrated, my boss set his salad aside and proposed a specific and complex situation to the young man, then asked, “What would you do?”

The applicant hesitated, then, looking my boss straight in the eye, said, “Are you going to eat all those tomatoes?”

Boss, Employee Funny Corporate Joke

Boss : “Can you come to office on Sunday there is some work to finish.”

Employee : “Sure. However, I will be late at work as public transport on Sunday’s is really bad.”

Boss : “Sure.. that should be fine.. by when would you reach?”

Employee: “Monday!”

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